On the floor

Eating can be a challenging time for many parents of autism. Why? Because little ones are VERY picky eaters and may or may not necessarily eat what is being presented to them at the time. I have heard, from a feeding specialist, how a child on the autism spectrum would only eat lays classic potatoContinue reading “On the floor”

Tackling the Toilet

Okay, toilet training has always been an obstacle for toddlers but trying to toilet train a child with special needs is on a whole different level!! With Hayden about to be seven years old, his bowel movements are more so on the adult level and lets just say they are not pleasant to smell orContinue reading “Tackling the Toilet”

Want to work from home?

I have found that it has been extremely difficult trying to maintain a regular 9-5 commuting schedule with two special needs children. So, I decided to go another route and seek employment from home. There are plenty of companies that allow their employers to work remotely, but it comes with a few mandatory rules toContinue reading “Want to work from home?”