Mommy Hacks to Staying Sane

Being a mom is one of the toughest jobs out there. It’s a 24/7 job that requires a lot of patience, love, and sacrifice. It can be overwhelming at times, especially when you have to balance taking care of your kids, household chores, and work. In the midst of all this, it’s easy to forgetContinue reading “Mommy Hacks to Staying Sane”

Getting Your Child to Sleep

Getting a good night’s sleep is crucial for everyone’s physical and mental well-being, but for parents of children with autism, it can be a real challenge. Many children with autism struggle with sleep issues, including difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently during the night, and waking up very early in the morning. These sleep disruptionsContinue reading “Getting Your Child to Sleep”

Siblings Bonding with Autism

Having two siblings with two different levels of autism has its challenges, but there are many activities that can be adapted to accommodate their needs and interests. Here are some bonding ideas for siblings with autism: Remember that bonding with a sibling with autism may take some extra effort and patience, but the rewards canContinue reading “Siblings Bonding with Autism”

Trip to the Zoo

As an autism mom, I’ve had my fair share of humorous moments with my children. But one incident in particular stands out as a true comedy of errors. It all started when we decided to take a family trip to the zoo. Hayden, who has a deep love for big animals, was beyond excited asContinue reading “Trip to the Zoo”

ABA and Autism

Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA) therapy is a widely used intervention for individuals with autism. It is a behavior-based approach that focuses on teaching new skills and reducing challenging behaviors by reinforcing positive behavior and discouraging negative behavior. ABA therapy is highly structured and individualized, with specific goals and objectives set for each person. While ABAContinue reading “ABA and Autism”

…. After the Autism Diagnosis

How did you cope with your children’s diagnosis? That is a question that I get asked all the time. The diagnosis of autism in a child can be a difficult and emotional experience for parents or guardians. It’s normal to feel overwhelmed, scared, and uncertain about what the future holds. But with the right supportContinue reading “…. After the Autism Diagnosis”

Exercising and Autism

As a parent with two children on the autism spectrum, finding ways to incorporate exercise into my kids’ routine can be challenging. Technology has been such a huge part of their lives. It’s like they have an addiction when it comes to it. However, physical activity is essential for promoting health and well-being, and itContinue reading “Exercising and Autism”

A Letter to all Parents

Dear Parents, In case you haven’t heard this today or at all in your life, I want to take a moment to recognize the incredible job you are doing in raising your children. Being a parent is one of the most challenging and rewarding experiences in life, and I want to encourage you to keepContinue reading “A Letter to all Parents”

Shopping with Kids

Are you a parent who dreads taking your kids to the store? Do you find yourself breaking out in a cold sweat at the thought of navigating crowded aisles with a screaming toddler in tow? Fear not, my fellow parents, for I have some tips to help make shopping with kids a little less stressfulContinue reading “Shopping with Kids”

Kids & WFH

Working from home can be challenging, especially when you have kids at home. It can be tough to balance work responsibilities while also keeping your kids entertained and occupied. But with a little planning and creativity, you can keep your kids entertained while you work from home. Here are some tips to help you out:Continue reading “Kids & WFH”