About Me

Nothing brings me great joy than writing an “about me” section.

I have found myself going back and forth about what I was going to write here. As easy as it may seem, it’s not that easy writing about myself to a bunch of strangers. But, I will give it a try one last time so here we go. . .

My name is Jess and I am a mother of two special human beings (Hayden and Maya), who both happen to be on the autism spectrum. Hayden was diagnosed with level 3 autism and Maya with level 1 autism. I have my Bachelors degree in Communication and Information Technology. I also have my Master’s degree in Special Education with a certificate on Autism Spectrum Disorder.

I had an autism blog about a year ago, but with everything going on in life it was difficult to keep up with. So, I decided to scrap it and start over when I was finally able to locate the mind that I lost.

Through ‘Autism & Love’ I want to give a more real account on how it is being a single parent and raising autistic children at the same time. This will include honest conversations and advice to all parents out there, whether your children are on the spectrum or not.

With this blog, I want all moms that can relate to know that they are not alone. I hope you enjoy reading!

All inquires can be sent to Autisticloves@gmail.com