Shopping with Kids

Are you a parent who dreads taking your kids to the store? Do you find yourself breaking out in a cold sweat at the thought of navigating crowded aisles with a screaming toddler in tow? Fear not, my fellow parents, for I have some tips to help make shopping with kids a little less stressfulContinue reading “Shopping with Kids”

Effective Listening

As parents, we often talk about the importance of communication with our children. But listening to our kids is just as important, if not more so. When we listen to our kids, we show them that we value their thoughts and feelings, and we create a stronger bond of trust and respect. Here are someContinue reading “Effective Listening”

Periods, Period.

Having the period talk with your autistic daughter can be a unique and challenging experience. Autistic individuals may have difficulty with social communication and understanding abstract concepts, which can make discussing menstruation more complex. However, with patience, preparation, and understanding, you can help your daughter feel more confident and comfortable about this important topic. HereContinue reading “Periods, Period.”

Kids & WFH

Working from home can be challenging, especially when you have kids at home. It can be tough to balance work responsibilities while also keeping your kids entertained and occupied. But with a little planning and creativity, you can keep your kids entertained while you work from home. Here are some tips to help you out:Continue reading “Kids & WFH”

Healthy Eating Habits

Healthy eating habits are essential for every child, but for children with special needs under the age of 10, it’s even more critical. As a parent or caregiver, you play a vital role in ensuring your child gets the right nutrition to support their growth and development. Here are some tips for promoting healthy eatingContinue reading “Healthy Eating Habits”

On the floor

Eating can be a challenging time for many parents of autism. Why? Because little ones are VERY picky eaters and may or may not necessarily eat what is being presented to them at the time. I have heard, from a feeding specialist, how a child on the autism spectrum would only eat lays classic potatoContinue reading “On the floor”

Cuttin’ up

There are quite a few things I am not able to experience in the world like other parents with “normal” kids. Getting Hayden’s hair cut is an obstacle that I wish on no person. It’s cardio and a part time job all in one and to top it off, I get charged more because ofContinue reading “Cuttin’ up”

Good Bye 2020

As I sit back and reflect on the chaotic year that 2020 has been, I can not help but be grateful for being able to see it to the end. I will keep it short today. Be thankful and be greatful that you have made it this far. Whatever you were putting off to doContinue reading “Good Bye 2020”

Tackling the Toilet

Okay, toilet training has always been an obstacle for toddlers but trying to toilet train a child with special needs is on a whole different level!! With Hayden about to be seven years old, his bowel movements are more so on the adult level and lets just say they are not pleasant to smell orContinue reading “Tackling the Toilet”